Employee discipline management - BLOG9


FIG - 1 https://www.odellstudner.com/preventing-claims-while-disciplining-employees/

What is discipline management

Using a reasonable and impartial approach with your staff member to address a misconduct issue or to boost performance is what discipline management is all about. Processes that could result in anyone losing their job require proper execution because there is always a risk involved for the employer.

Good workplace relations are built on discipline. For an organization to run well, employee discipline must be encouraged and upheld. Good maintenance of discipline is undoubtedly connected to employee morale and workplace harmony. Taking punishment can also make the employee more productive. One member of the group's activities can have an impact on the others

Examining what discipline is, the different facets of employee discipline, and how constructive discipline may be implemented are the main objectives. We'll also look at how to deal with indiscipline and the phases that make up the disciplinary procedure.

Discipline's importance can be explained as follows

1. From the Individual's Perspective
(i) Self-preservation is a benefit of discipline.
(ii) It advances a person's development.
(iii) A person requires it for his or her personal delight.

2. From a Work Group's Perspective:
(i) Good collaboration and cohesion are guaranteed by discipline.
(ii) The environment must be disciplined for the group to advance.
(iii) Self-control ensures increased productivity.
(iv) Employee morale and motivation are raised through discipline.

3. From an Organization's Perspective:
(i) Maintaining discipline guarantees increased output and quality.
(ii) Having discipline aids an organization in making the most money possible.
(iii) It is crucial to have better all-around advantages.
(iv) It assists in preventing waste and costs.


There are different types of discipline, and the types vary according to the tasks it does. Preventive, corrective, and progressive discipline are the most prevalent types of discipline used in workplace settings.

a)Preventive Discipline: This kind of punishment is used to deter employees from breaking a company's laws and regulations. The goal of preventative measures is to deter employees from acting in a manner that is inconsistent with the organization's policies and procedures.

b) Corrective Discipline: This kind of punishment is used to deal with staff members who disobeyed company policies. Idris and Alegbeleye (2015) pointed out that the goal of corrective discipline is to punish indiscreet employees and deter other employees from engaging in those actions in the future. Typically, corrective discipline is used to dissuade employees from engaging in such unacceptable behaviors. Corrective discipline differs from preventive discipline in that the former uses threats, whereas the latter uses punishment.

c) Progressive punishment: This type of punishment entails the application of severe sanctions to consistently committed misbehaviors. As an employee, continue to devote.

fig - 2, https://www.geektonight.com/employee-discipline/


The reasons for employee indiscipline vary among firms, but they may include insufficient pay, ineffective management, and a breakdown in effective relationships between employers and employees (Onah, 2009). However, the following are the prominent reasons for indiscipline at work:

1. Improper management practices: Management occasionally engages in unfair and improper behavior, such as offering a meager salary plan. absence of safeguards for a healthy work-life balance for employees, as well as a lack of consideration for their needs and complaints, untimely salary and wage payments, and Favoritism in promoting policies,  Indiscipline is the effect of these poor management techniques.
2. The inadequacy of strong leadership and inadequate supervision: If strong leadership is absent, indiscipline may result. The ability of managers to motivate and guide employee behavior to acceptable levels is lacking. Ineffective management would also make it possible for workers to act inappropriately because there would be no incentive for them to follow the regulations. Ineffective management encourages indiscipline.
3. Violation of employee rights: Regardless of rank, all employees are entitled to certain rights, including respect, freedom of expression, the ability to contribute their fair share to the advancement of the company, the opportunity for personal advancement, and the right to fair and reasonable treatment. When these rights are violated, it would lead to employee unhappiness and eventually culminating to indiscipline.
4. Communication gap: Free flow of information from workers to superiors and the other way around is necessary for efficient communication. In order to understand their feelings and communicate information to lower-level employees, managers must value the input of their workforce. Indiscipline may result from the management' and workers' lack of communication.
5. Poor attention to staff complaints: Frustration stems from poor attention to resolve employee complaints. Management should respond quickly to employee complaints. Neglecting employee complaints leads to poor job performance, a decrease in commitment, labor disputes, and staff indiscipline.
6. Absence of rules and regulations: Without rules and regulations, it is hard to distinguish between acceptable and inappropriate workplace conduct, which allows employees to act whatever they like. Staff members are more likely to act erratically when there is no clear code of conduct or set of rules and regulations in place.
7. Discrimination and unfavorable working conditions: Poor and unproductive working conditions encourage personnel to engage in undesirable behaviors. On the other hand, discrimination based on factors like as gender, religion, education, and the use of nepotism in decisions about hiring, promotion, and transfer leads to indiscipline among employees.


1. Verbal caution

2. Warning letter

3. The last written notice

3. Penalties

5. A two-day work suspension without compensation

6. A four-day work suspension without compensation

7. One week of unpaid leave following a work suspension

8. A month-long absence from employment without pay

9. The cessation of pay increases 

10. The cessation of seeking for promotions

11. Being transferred to a challenging region or unpleasant work 

12. Losing seniority 

13. Being demoted 

14. Termination of employment


‘Discipline is a force that prompts individuals or groups to observe rules, regulations and procedures which are deemed to be necessary for the effective functioning of an organization’.

One crucial element that influences an organization's overall performance is discipline. The company needs to implement the right policies to uphold discipline. All workers or employees in the organization should be aware of the rules that have been established. Employees that break the rules need to be watched over and counseled, and they need to be told about their error. If he doesn't repair his errors even later, he will still be punished. A good discipline is maintained with the help of appropriate rules and effective communication. An organization may have a discipline manager who is responsible for keeping an eye on employee behavior and dealing with it. The study comes to the conclusion that if employees are not engaged, a business cannot be effective in reaching its planned goals.


Available at https://www.economicsdiscussion.net/human-resource-management/employee-discipline/31795.[Accsessed on 3rd May 2023]

Available at https://wheniwork.com/blog/employee-discipline.[Accsessed on 3rd May 2023]

 Available at https://ijirt.org/master/publishedpaper/IJIRT157196_PAPER.pdf.[Accsessed on 3rd May 2023]

 A Study on Employee’s Discipline and Its Effect on
Organizational Performances.
 Available at https://www.ijbmi.org/papers/Vol(9)6/Series-4/A0906040104.pdf.[Accsessed on 3rd May 2023]


  1. Decipline is a key factor to have lesser problems in administration of a company well explained

  2. Thank you for sharing the blog. Disciplinary management is important to reduce misconducts within the organization.


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