Work life Balance - BLOG5


What is work life balance,

Work-life balance means you’re able to find a split between how much time you spend working and how much time you have to take care of personal responsibilities and enjoy living life outside of work such as the amount of time you spend with loved ones or pursuing personal interests and hobbies.. However, this illustration is unique to each and every person and does not always mean a 50% split. Your ideal work-life balance should be whatever helps you function best.

Importance of work life balance,

Doing a job in an organization can be an extremely time consuming duty for any employee. Those who work are busy at their offices throughout the day and occasionally even on weekends. As a result of this they have very little time to stay with their family. Due to high pressure of work cause the health of employees to deteriorate and often family members get neglected.This is where work life balance come into action. Work life balance concept supports an employee to maintain a well balance in the time he or she gives to work and personal matters. With this good balance, people can have a quality of work life.

 As the employee is relaxed about his personal commitments this helps to increase productivity at workplace . It also allows the employee to give quality time with family , work on his/her health etc. Therefore work life balance is highly important for employees and increases their motivation to work for the company.


work life balance from YouTube

Reasons for a work-life unbalancing,

  1. Increased responsibilities at work as well as home.
  2. Working longer hours with heavy  Stress Level.
  3. Number of dependents in the family & needs of them.  
  4. Age, Gender and income.   

Steps to improve work life balance,

     1. Think that there is no perfect work life balance
     2. Find a job that most love you.
     3. Don't afraid to say no.
     4. Flexible  working hours.
     5. Leaving out activities that waste time and energy
     6. Prioritize your health.
     7. Outsourcing and Delegating work.
     8. Set enough time for relaxation with family and friends.
                                                      FIG - 2 Best countries for work life balance.
Benefits of work life balance,

1. Work life balance increases the motivation of employees and helps them perform better at job.

2. It helps people to relieve their stress / maximize productivity as they can spend leisure time with their loved and dear ones.

3. Healthy lifestyles can be maintained by having a work life balance. This includes a good diet, regular exercises etc.

 Work–life balance is a  proper prioritizing between "work" and "lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/meditation). This is related to the idea of lifestyle choice. Most employees identify with not only the organization, but also other facets of their life
(family, children, religion, etc.). Sometimes these identities align and sometimes they do not. When identities are in conflict, the sense of a healthy work–life balance may be affected. Organization members must perform identity work so that they align themselves with the area in which they are performing to avoid conflict and any stress as a result.

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Written by Coursera • Updated on 


  1. Hi Mahinda
    Work life balance is one of very important topic.This is really essential for every one to know.You have brought many facts in the article .Thank you so much for sharing and well done

  2. Good post. It was interesting to read. But it would have been more better if you could have inserted intext citations bro. Anyway nicely presented and i liked the most is the handy man in Figure 1. Great.

  3. Nice blog post, incredibly fascinating to read about work-life balance

  4. Good Post, Work-life balance is a state of stability in which a person prioritizes career demands and personal life demands equally.

  5. thanks for the powerful topics, i just impressed , thanks for sharing the post for our knowledge


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