Ethical work place in organizations - BLOG3

 Ethical work place in organizations

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Ethics in the workplace is defined as the moral code that guides the behavior of employees with respect to what is right and wrong in regard to conduct and decision making.
Headlines frequently highlighted allegations of unethical behavior in the workplace which can create public relations crises, operational distractions, financial liabilities and in some cases lead to the total collapse of organizations. So that it is no surprise that organizational efforts to prevent, detect and respond to it are consistently scrutinized by stakeholders. The intense scrutiny makes it critical to understand the definition of ethics in the workplace, why ethics are important in the workplace, and the single most important thing organizations can do differently to encourage ethical behavior in the workplace.



Why is ethical behavior in the workplace important?

It is clear that ethical behavior in the workplace can stimulate positive employee behaviors that lead to organizational growth, just as unethical behavior in the workplace can inspire damaging headlines that lead to organizational demise. Furthermore, where many individuals are connected to social media with mobile technology, will cause reputational damage to an organization is arguably much greater that in decades past, as behavior is more easily recorded on video, captured in photos, shared online and create massive issues.

However, there are benefits of ethical behavior in the workplace beyond the avoidance of reputational harm. An organization that is perceived to act ethically by employees can realize positive benefits and improved business outcomes. The perception of ethical behavior can increase employee performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, trust and organizational citizenship behaviors. 

Some work ethics that should be followed by employees:

  • Honesty and values.
  • Obey the rules and regulations of the company
  • Integrity and fairness.
  • Communicate effectively
  • Develop Professional Relationships
  • Take Responsibility and be accountable
  • Loyalty

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Some unethical practices that should be best avoided by workers:

  • Stealing office supplies.
  • Lies and gossips.
  • Taking Credit for Others Hard Work.
  • Verbal or physical abuse.
  • Unauthorized using organization properties 
  • Non-Office Related Work.
  • Sexual Harassment.
  • Extended breaks or untimely leaves

Some unethical practices that should be avoided by employers:

  • Asking for sexual favors in return for a job or promotion
  • Late-night out
  • Unpaid overtime
  • Verbal or Physical Harassment
  • Nepotism
  • Unfriendly Work Environment

Advantages of work ethics,

Asset protection / productivity / teamwork / public image 


To wrap it up, an ethical employee-employer relationship is very important to success any of the organization. It works both way, While employer should be impartial and must be supportive to their employees; employees should also provide their back to back support for the growth of the company.

They must display traits that would benefit and help the company reach its goals. A strong work ethic always gain uncountable benefits back.


Online - [Accessed 27th April 2023]

Online -[Accessed 27th April 2023]

Online -[Accessed 27th April 2023]

Online -[Accessed 27th April 2023]


  1. Very well explanation . You have explained it clearly and in detailed .Thank you very much for sharing this knowledge

  2. Good one, Workplace ethics leads to happy and satisfied employees who enjoy coming to work rather than treating it as a mere source of burden. Employees also develop a feeling of loyalty and attachment towards the organization.

  3. Describing about ethics is outstanding

  4. well explanation of ethics in workplace.

  5. Very useful ,thanku Share it..

  6. A clear content and well explained. Thank you for sharing !

  7. Very good content & attractive article.

  8. Very interesting topic as Employee perceptions of an organization's ethical behavior can lead to favorable consequences and greater financial results. Employee performance, job happiness, organizational commitment, trust, and corporate citizenship activities can all be improved by the perception of ethical behavior.


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